Thursday, September 8, 2016

Mission trip to NOLA

So this post is going to be about somethings I want to share about my recent trip to New Orleans. First let me tell you a little about the place I stayed at. It's called Global Maritime Ministries and they are a non-profit organization that serves the workers of the cruise ships. There is a sweet couple that run the place. The man drives a bus on a schedule picking the workers up from the port them takes them to Wal-Mart or brings them to the mission from 8am to 2:40 when the last bus leaves to take them all back to port, where they get back on board. Most, if not all, of these men and women have signed contracts that they work for 6 months or more. I can't imagine being away from home for that long of period, but back to my point. At the mission they have computers, phones, refreshments, and a chapel. These workers come in after serving people, most of them who are ungrateful and rude, and they serve with a smile on there face. This is there relaxing time. They can also open mail or packages because the center is kinda like there post office. You can find out more about them here:

So now that you know a little about this place and the fact that I was in New Orleans, let me tell you somethings that I learned.

First thing: So for the girls that went on this trip our job was to serve others. Easy right.... Wrong. These guys are so use to taking care of themselves and they don't accept help easily. Example: They get mail right so a lot of time I would just ask if I could throw there boxes away. They would stand and say they could do it, and when I insisted they would smile. That smile, it's what hits you straight in the heart. They would say thank you, but in there eyes you can really see the gratitude. It's the same as asking them if they would like a cup of coffee. There face lights up. That's what serving others is all about. Just being there, willing to do something with nothing to gain.
"When God's people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality" -Romans 12: 13

Second thing: When the center closed the girls walked down the French Quarter until it was time to meet the guys for supper. ( I haven't talked about the guys which included my husband, but they were working on some maintenance and changing light bulbs.) We were on a search to find a shirt for my little girl so I didn't come home empty handed. As we were walking there was a man on the side walk. He looked like he hadn't had a bath in days, maybe weeks. My first impression, and sadly probably a very worldly impression, was alcohol or drugs. He held a sign that said veteran. One of the girls in our group got down on his level to talk to him and then she prayed with him. It was literally a punch in my stomach. Who was I to judge this man. It felt like Jesus was standing next to me reminding me of the way I was raised. We as Christians are called to love one another but also help one another. Jesus "hung out" the with  prostitutes, thieves, tax collectors, and sinful people. That's what he asks us to do. We are called to tell others about God, and what better way then to show them.
"God alone who gave the law, is the judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to judge you neighbor?' -James 4:12

Third thing: On the last day there (Sunday) a pastor came and held service. He said something that probably stick with me for the rest of my life. He told a store about a man that was homeless. He hung out at the bus stop most days and the pastor passed him often. At the time the pastor was very busy, but one day he felt God was pushing him to speak to that man. He put it off, always saying next time. Well one day he found time and was looking for the man. He didn't see him and so tried for the next few weeks. Then one day he was reading the paper and saw the mans name in the obituary section. The pastor had to wonder everyday after that if someone lead that man to Christ or in the pastor failed the man. What I took from this story is, God created us for his purpose. Jesus tells us to go tell the world about him. "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere- In Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth." -Acts 1:8  When God asks us to do something, we should do it. We could be an answer to a prayer, the person that leads them to Christ, or just a blessing to them.

That's just a few things I learned on this mission trip. I was also very excited to get to explore New Orleans for the first time. 
 This place was so beautiful!
Chicken and waffles- sounds gross but was amazing!!
Dinner Date!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm just now getting around to reading this, but what a great account of your trip. I admire you and hubby's dedication to serving others. That's what it's all about! Love you1
